25. The Viking Raid on Lindisfarne, Northumbria 793

Viking Raid
A nicely terrifying illustration of the pagan Viking hordes showing up in England. From the early 12th century Miscellany on the Life of St. Edmund, from Bury St. Edmunds, now held at the Pierpont Morgan Library (M.736, f7r).

It was quite a shock to the rest of Europe when the Vikings, who had been raiding in Scandinavia and making little raids occasionally in Europe, pillaged The Holy Isle of Lindisfarne.  The Vikings were pumped, though; it was a very profitable day. That was the beginning of the Viking Age.  We discuss the Viking Age, why it was clear to the Vikings that raiding (as opposed to thievery) was not a crime, and why Hnefatafl, which everybody calls Viking chess, isn’t really like chess at all.

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