32. Special Episode! Peter Konieczny from Medievalists.net Explains Con Artists in Medieval London, England

Join us to hear Peter Konieczny tell tales about medieval frauds in London! Fake earls, fake ale inspectors! But, really, mostly, Bad Things Done To Bread. Alas. Above, a baker who has been caught at his perfidy is dragged on a hurdle, with one of his Bad Loaves hung around his neck. From Liber Albus (the White Book of the City of London) Vol 3; translation by H.T. Riley.

It’s a Special Episode! Peter Konieczny joins us, to share his knowledge and stories about frauds in medieval London. A fake Earl’s son, who needs you to help a lot, really, no kidding. Fake government inspectors who need you to hand over the ale so they can test it, bye-bye. Bakers who steal bits of your dough so as to make extra loaves and shortchange you. Merchants who put dirt in cinnamon. London’s a scary place. Many thanks to Peter and medievalists.net.

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