35. Mabel de Bellême is Murdered, Bures, Normandy 1079

Troarn Abbaye St. Martin
Here we see the remains of Troarn Abbaye St Martin, where Mabel de Bellême was buried after Hugh Bunel and his brothers cut her head off. The Abbey was doing pretty well until the French Revolution. Hugh and his brothers burnt the bridge over the Dives behind them, whilst escaping. After it got rebuilt, the bridge did pretty well, too, until the 3rd Parachute Squadron destroyed it on D-Day. Normandy has seen a lot of destruction over the centuries. The Abbey is now an historical site, but Mabel’s tomb is gone.

Mabel de Bellême, wealthy Norman landowner, belonged to the de Bellême family.  They were infamous for cruelty and general wickedness.  Mabel exercised her share of the wickedness and cruelty; eventually one of the many Normans she impoverished gathered his brothers and murdered her.  We discuss the de Bellêmes, when we’re not discussing Orderic Vitalis, the monk who chronicled their history. (For those of you who have forgotten, it’s Orderic who thought that the White Ship crashed on account of sodomy, rather than the rock in the harbor and everybody being drunk in the middle of the night.)

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