81. Johannes Ryneken is Executed for Adulterating Saffron, Nuremberg Germany, 1444

In 1514, Henry VIII gave the town of Saffron Walden a charter, and the saffron that the town grew was so important that saffron crocuses show up on the left hand side of the charter. This has nothing to do with Nuremberg, or Johannes Rykenen, but Anne really loves Saffron Walden and so here we are.

By the 15th century, Nuremberg was making a reputation and a lot of money out of being the main saffron import location in Europe. So the town burgesses took it very seriously when spice merchants sold saffron that wasn’t fully saffron, but had various other things added to it. Very seriously indeed. So seriously that it was possible to be, as Johnanes Ryneken was, in 1444, executed for being a very bad spice merchant indeed. Anne especially enjoyed this episode, because she got to talk ALL about saffron, but Michelle was Quite Annoyed at the lack of scholarly citations. Also there was all that German. But there were some historical novels! With saffron!

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